Clay is the sweetest little lion around!
Christian hates getting his picture taken
My super Ninja, Prepared to protect.
She is so beautiful!
My wild man
Finishing daddy's job of handing out the candy
Clay was so over it but gave me one last smile before deciding he was ready for bed.
Halloween night we had a great time. We had the Jenkins and Laymans over for dinner and then the moms took the kids around the neighborhood to trick or treat while the guys handed out candy at the house. We all had a great time together, especially the kids!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Trick or Treat!
Posted by Our Family at 6:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: Hallowen 09
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Over Fall break we took the boys and went to a cabin in Pigeon Forge with the Ward's. We had a great time and an awesome cabin. It was just a little too short.
Posted by Our Family at 4:54 PM 0 comments
Pumpkin Patch
Sunday we had a great trip to Riceville's Pumpkin Patch with TMC couple group. We saw and petted animals which the boys loved & went on a hayride to pick some pumpkins. Christian loved the hay ride. We had a wonderful time.
Posted by Our Family at 4:31 PM 0 comments
Clay was so cute a few weeks ago. I heard him through the monitor babbling so I went to get him and when I opened the door he was sitting up in his bed. When he saw me he smiled so big and started laughing. It was so cute. It was like he was so proud of what he did. I love mile stones but my little baby is growing too fast.
Posted by Our Family at 4:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: Clay's 6 month mile stone
Thursday, June 11, 2009
We just got back from Disney and had a wonderful time. For those of you wondering how it was taking a 10 week old, it really was not bad. He slept most of the time. It was really nice staying at the Floridian because the monorail ran right through it so when Clay and Christian got tired and hot my mother and I went back to the room with them and Jeff stayed at the Park with Caleb. For the most part we tried to go the park in the mornings and evenings and spend the hot part of the day at the pool. We celebrated Caleb's birthday there because this was gift from his GiGi. The Day we got there they brought a big white choc mickey holding a Happy Birthday Caleb sign to the room it was on a big plate with cookies around it. Also, there was a birthday card signed by all the main Characters. He really thought that was cool. They knew a the restaurants that we were celebrating so they brought him a big cupcake and another card. After this trip I really believe that flying and staying at a Disney resort and doing the meal plan is the way to go with small kids. There is no way that we could have done all day trips to the park with little ones. It was also fun having some friends there at the same time. Caleb loved meeting up with Austin and riding rides. It was a fun trip but we were tired when we got back. If you asked me if I would do it again I would say absolutely! Thanks to my mother who took us on this wonderful trip.
Posted by Our Family at 12:58 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
A little help for a friend!
Hey everyone it's Heather. I have hijacked Tiffany's blog and I am going to update you guys. Since it has been a while, I will let you know that Clayton Vance Miller arrived March 23rd. Ok, anyway, surely most of you know that by now. Tiff came over for a little while today and I took a few pics of her kiddos (Caleb was at school). I thought I would share them on her blog instead of mine since she never updates. Enjoy.
Posted by Our Family at 2:00 PM 7 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Only a few hours left!
I am so excited that it is almost time for me to meet my little angel. After what seems like a long nine months it is almost over. I am going in at midnight tonight to be induced. I am hoping that Dr. White is right and it won't be a long process because its my third baby. I have never had to be induced before so I am a little anxious and more nervous then I have ever been. At this point I had already had the other boys and went into labor on my own so this is a little different for me. It's definitely not what I expected but all pregnancies are different and you really never know what to expect. All I know at this point is that I am so excited I can't stand it. I just can not wait to see and hold him for the first time. It will be such an awesome feeling that will be worth all the pain and waiting that I have gone through. Please keep us in your prayers. We will keep you posted.
Posted by Our Family at 5:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Clay's Baby Shower
Thanks to some wonderful friends and family I was given an awesome baby shower last weekend. I was thrilled at all the wonderful gifts that I received. Clay is set and has just about everything he will ever need and more. Jeff and I feel so blessed to have so many great people in our lives to share this special time with. We are excited and just a little nervous to be adding another addition to our family. The time for Clay to come is approaching us fast and we can not wait to see his face. I know it will be here before we know it.
Posted by Our Family at 10:05 AM 0 comments