Tuesday, December 23, 2008

All I want for Christmas!!

Of course I had some things I wanted for Christmas and I gave Jeff my list but at this moment I would happily give them and anything else up for my little Christian. As of last night I could easily say that " All I want for Christmas is for Christian to be better!" Last night he started with 103.2 fever and couldn't get it below 102.4 with Motrin. I took him to the Doc today to find out that he had Strep and a sinus infection. I really think this is the sickest I have ever seen him. I was about ready to take him to the ER about an hour ago when his fever spiked back up to 103.7!!! That is just way to high for me. The doc told me to take him if it got to 104. I gave him some more Motrin and gave him a cool bath and checked 30 min. later and was relieved to see that it had dropped to 102.6. I never thought I would be happy to see that temp on a thermometer. We ask that all our friends and family keep our little guy in there prayers. I want him to feel better and have a great Christmas more then anything. It's funny how after you have children so many things change. Like now my happiness depends on my children. As long as they are happy and healthy that's all I need anymore. Well, it helps if Jeff is too!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

My Sweet little Boy!

House Full of Gingerbread fun!

Our Gingerbread House. We had a lot of messy fun making this. I enjoyed doing this with the boys.

Polar Express

My parents treated us to a fun weekend in Bryson City and a ride on the Polar Express. The boys really enjoyed it although Christian was really tired by the end of the ride. We enjoyed hot chocolate and cookies. Santa visited all the kids and gave them each a bell.

Happy 100th Birthday my Great Papaw Privett!

This is my kids Great Great Grandfather! I am very excited that my kids know there's. It's not very often people live to be 100 years old.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Getting back to normal

I am excited to announce that things around my house are starting to get back to normal. Caleb went back to school today after being out all this week with pneumonia. He still has a cough but seems to be doing much better. After being released from bed rest yesterday I went and got Christian. I couldn't wait. Caleb was excited to see his brother. I am so happy to have both of my boys with me again. Christian is really clingy and doesn't want me out of his sight but I completely understand. I am restricted from doing some things but I can live with that as long as I have my family with me.

Monday, November 17, 2008

No rest for the Sick!

As most of you know I was put on bed rest last Wednesday and on top of that I got a really bad cold. Christian had the croup last week and had to get a shot. Because of me being on bed rest he has been with my mother-in-law for several days. She said that he still has a cough but seems to be a little better. I wish I could say the same for Caleb. His cough started about 3 weeks ago and has just gotten worse. Last night was when I new something was wrong and he was really sick. He was coughing so hard he was throwing up and I could hear it in his chest. My mother and I took him to the Doc this morning to find out that I was right. Caleb has Pneumonia and a sinus infection. I guess I should have taken when I took Christian last week but he really didn't seem that bad. Since he was a baby the Docs have always told me that he was a happy sick kid because by the time he showed any signs of being sick it had already progressed to something worse. You would think I would learn. I am so sick of seeing Docs whether it's mine or the boy's. I really hope that this is coming to an end and the next time I see one its for a regular ob check only. Thank You for all the calls and prayers I have received they mean a lot. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Hope to see everyone again soon.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bed Rest

Well, I think most of you know by now but if you don't I am on bed rest. Thanks to two bleeding episodes this week, one on Monday that was not that bad and then again on Wednesday morning which was worse and really scared me. I immediately called the doc and they told me to come right in so my mother came and got me. We took Christian to my mother-in laws and headed to Galen. They did an ultrasound and little Clay looks like he is doing great. Dr. Kerley said that the ultrasound doesn't show everything they need to see about the placenta so since everything else looks OK he is wondering if that's the cause and they can't see it. He said that happens sometimes. I know that because that happened to my aunt. She bled for the first five months. Ultrasounds never showed anything but she kept having episodes so they finally put her on bed rest for the last 4 months and when she delivered they found a small tear in the placenta that the ultrasounds weren't showing. I go back next Wednesday and if I haven't bled anymore I think he will take me off and maybe I won't have any more. We are praying that the rest of this pregnancy will be normal. I really want to enjoy the holidays and all the activities with my family and have fun with my children. Jeff and I are suppose to go to Atlanta for a weekend to ourselves and to do some Christmas shopping. I really am looking forward to that trip. I hope we get to take it. Please Keep my family in your prayers. I haven't seen Christian in over 24 hours and I really miss him. I hope this week goes by fast. I give so much Thanks to our parents I don't know what I would do without them. They are helping so much and being so supportive. They are the best. I love them so much.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Halloween night we had some family and friends over to the house for some hot dogs and chili and then trick or treating. Our house was full. In the mix were the Ward's, Heathers mom and step dad, my brother and Becca, my mom and Doc, the Jenkins, our neighbors Jonathan, Heather and Tyler and of course the four of us. All together there were 20 of us. We had a great time. The kids loved trick or treating. Me and Katrina made it to the other side of the neighborhood and sent Jeff after the truck. When he got there to pick us up my mom decided that she was tired so Jeff and Eric stayed with the others while my mom and christian hopped in the truck and drove the four of us back to the house. Virginia and Rich (Heathers parents) were sweet enough to stay at the house and hand out candy to the trick or treaters. When everyone got back the kids decided they wanted to go on there wagon ride so Jeff hopped on the mower and took them for several rides. The kids absolutely loved it. What I think is funny is that Caleb did decide not to wear his original batman costume and stayed a sheriff so when Isabella got there I noticed that she was last years Minnie Mouse instead of this years Tinkerbell. When I asked Katrina about it she explained the same thing I went through that day and we both had the same thought, Who cares! Some fights aren't worth fighting but we sure could have saved some money. I really think that it's because we are both pregnant and tired and just really don't need any more stress. I'm sure it would have been different other wise.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Caleb's Halloween costume for School

Today Caleb got to wear a costume to school for Halloween. He couldn't wear his Batman costume because it was too hard for him to get off to go the bathroom so he was a sheriff instead. He liked it so much that he decided that's what he wanted to be tonight instead of Batman so unless he changes his mind again he will be two different things this year. I wish I would have known that would have made him happy in the beginning. I could have saved money because he already had everything he needed for that costume. Oh well. He looked cute at the Fall festival as Batman and he'll be cute tonight as a sheriff.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Clay's has his own special things.

Thanks to my mother Clay has really racked up the last few weeks. She bought him new bedding, two new diaper bags (one is still being monogrammed, I get it Friday),a bassinet, and a new Peg Perego Black and Red Twin stroller that I absolutely love. It is about half the weight and folds up smaller then my Graco Stroller. I like that it is a side by side and that one side is a little wider than the other so I can hook the infant seat to it. I should have it in a few weeks. I have also gone a little monogram crazy. I have had burp cloths,blankets,shoes, and outfits all done since the day we found out it was a boy. I think things always look a little cuter with a name or monogram. That's something that me and Claire have in common. Here is preview of some of his things.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I've been tagged!

1. My favorite candy is Sour Patch kids. I really think that I could sit and eat them all day.
2. My favorite TV show is "House". I love medical shows and this one makes me laugh. Another reason why I like this one so much is because my husband likes it to so this is our show that we only watch together. It's about the only time we get to sit on the couch together without kids jumping all over us and something besides cartoon's being on the TV.
3. I am 27 years old and still have never spent a whole night in a house alone. I have always had someone with me. Yes, I guess you can call me a scaredy cat but I hate to be alone at night. If its an all night thing I want someone besides one of my children there.
4. My husband says I am obsessive compulsive and I guess he is right because if I think of something that needs to be done or I want to do, I want to get started on it right then, I don't like to procrastinate or wait (unless it's cleaning or doing laundry).I am already wanting to paint and finish the nursery and I still have 19 weeks to go.
5. I hate scary movies! I only want to see something that is going to make me laugh or at least not make me terrified to go to sleep. I have had crazy nightmares because of movies and I don't see the point in being scared if I don't have to be.
6. I love to scrapbook or do anything that's creative. I just wish I had more time to do it.
7. Future mother to 3 Boys! I am very excited to have 3 wonderful children but, nervous at the same time. I hope that I can give myself equally to each one of my children and give them everything they need. I also hope Christian doesn't ever have that middle child syndrome. I pray that I can be a wonderful mother even though I will really be out numbered now! I tag Lindsay and Cresta

Fall Festival

We had a lot of fun at the Church fall festival. Caleb met a little boy that was also batman and they had fun playing together. Christian loved dancing to the drama music. We wish that Jeff could have been there with us but, I am glad to know that he will for now on. I think the boys looked so cute in there outfits, I am glad that they get to wear them one more time they were too cute to only wear once.

Trip to the Blairsville train museum

Last Saturday me and the boys went with my mom and Doc to see the largest train layout in the country. It is over 3200 sq. feet. A man and his son worked on it for 13 years and it is amazing. Anybody that loves trains would really enjoy it.

The Apple Farm

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Of Course we had to have a "C" name.

glitter logo - http://www.sparklee.com

buy nintendo wii game system

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It's a Boy!

Yes, can you believe it because I can't, there is another Miller boy in the making! We went yesterday so Myra could tell us what was in the future more blue or some pink. I know she was a little hesitant but she took a big breath and announced "Its another BOY guys". My reaction was to not really say anything and try to soak it in but as I was trying to stay strong I felt a stream of tears go down my cheek. Don't get me wrong I am very excited to have another healthy baby boy its just the realization that I will never get to experience all those fun and special mother daughter moments that I got to do and am still having with my mother. If you have a daughter you know what I am talking about. Girls night out, some one to go with you to the Mother's day banquets, trips to the salon, and all that other fun girl stuff. I know eventually I will stop thinking about it but that desire for a daughter will never fade. In the mean time I will enjoy the the two and soon to be three wonderful boys that God has blessed me with. I love them with all my heart and am so happy that God has given them to us. I will tell you they melt my heart when they just come and give you hugs, kisses and tell you they love you just out of the blue. As I am writing this the boys are both laughing and dancing to music. It puts a smile on my face. You know that's all you can really ask for, happy, healthy children. And with that I feel Blessed and can just say Thank You Lord for all you have done and given to me. So, in March we will happily welcome "Clayton Vance Miller" Clayton after my wonderful Grandfather who really has been more like my father to me then anything and Vance after Jeff's father. We look forward to meeting this little guy. I know he will be here before we know it.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Gender Ultrasound!

Tuesday Jeff, Caleb, and I are going to Dalton to see Myra. She did my last two to tell me that Caleb and Christian were boys so I wanted her to do this one too. I think that she is as nervous as me and Jeff becuase she knows how much we want a girl. This time I am going to let her do her normal thing of making sure everything looks great and is developing right with the baby before she takes the BIG LOOK! We decided that it would be fun for her to tell Caleb and then him give us the big news. In that case when it comes time for that I am going to have to look away from Myra because I am pretty sure that her face will tell all!! Wish us luck! We look foward to sharing our big news with everyone. Stay Tuned only 19 hours to go.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Christian's 2nd Birthday!

Christian and Aaron shared there second birthday together.We did a firetruck theme and it was so cute. Christian had a stomach virus earlier in the week and was still getting over it so He was not himself at all. He didn't play much and would not even touch his birthday cupcake. That made me a little sad but we had fun opening presents. He got really excited seeing all his new toys. My mom and Doc got him a kitchen for his birthday but didn't bring it to the Party because it was so big. You can still be all boy and still own a kitchen, I know Christian is.

Cooking with GiGi

One of the many days I have been sick my mother came over to the house to make lunch for us. She made some awesome potato soup that I actually was able to hold down,corn bread and brownies. She let the boys help her cook and they loved it. They had such a great time with her. After lunch was cooked she helped them make edible play dough which they also enjoyed. Christian enjoyed eating his more the playing with it. The boys had such a great day with there GiGi.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Catching up!

Well, I know it's been awhile since I posted but I have been very sick! Beth gave me some Zophran until I picked mine up from the pharmacy but sometimes it doesn't help at all. Any time I have had time to myself I have laid down to sleep instead of cleaning, washing clothes, and adding to my blog. All things I did before during the kids nap time. Now there nap time is my nap time too. I hope that I am not sick the whole time. I am praying that it will ease up when I hit my second trimester. I guess we will see. I have added some of the things that have been going on the past few weeks. I hope that I can keep you updated better but who knows right now sleep is important and speaking of sleep I think that's what I am going to do now.

Fishing with Daddy and Papa

Jeff thought it would be fun for him and his dad to take Caleb fishing and of course Caleb thought that would be a great idea. Saturday night that's what they did and had a great time. Caleb was so proud that he caught 4 fish. He couldn't wait to tell me all about it and wanted me to see the pictures right away.