Monday, September 22, 2008

Christian's 2nd Birthday!

Christian and Aaron shared there second birthday together.We did a firetruck theme and it was so cute. Christian had a stomach virus earlier in the week and was still getting over it so He was not himself at all. He didn't play much and would not even touch his birthday cupcake. That made me a little sad but we had fun opening presents. He got really excited seeing all his new toys. My mom and Doc got him a kitchen for his birthday but didn't bring it to the Party because it was so big. You can still be all boy and still own a kitchen, I know Christian is.

Cooking with GiGi

One of the many days I have been sick my mother came over to the house to make lunch for us. She made some awesome potato soup that I actually was able to hold down,corn bread and brownies. She let the boys help her cook and they loved it. They had such a great time with her. After lunch was cooked she helped them make edible play dough which they also enjoyed. Christian enjoyed eating his more the playing with it. The boys had such a great day with there GiGi.