Today Caleb got to wear a costume to school for Halloween. He couldn't wear his Batman costume because it was too hard for him to get off to go the bathroom so he was a sheriff instead. He liked it so much that he decided that's what he wanted to be tonight instead of Batman so unless he changes his mind again he will be two different things this year. I wish I would have known that would have made him happy in the beginning. I could have saved money because he already had everything he needed for that costume. Oh well. He looked cute at the Fall festival as Batman and he'll be cute tonight as a sheriff.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Caleb's Halloween costume for School
Posted by Our Family at 10:42 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Clay's has his own special things.
Thanks to my mother Clay has really racked up the last few weeks. She bought him new bedding, two new diaper bags (one is still being monogrammed, I get it Friday),a bassinet, and a new Peg Perego Black and Red Twin stroller that I absolutely love. It is about half the weight and folds up smaller then my Graco Stroller. I like that it is a side by side and that one side is a little wider than the other so I can hook the infant seat to it. I should have it in a few weeks. I have also gone a little monogram crazy. I have had burp cloths,blankets,shoes, and outfits all done since the day we found out it was a boy. I think things always look a little cuter with a name or monogram. That's something that me and Claire have in common. Here is preview of some of his things.
Posted by Our Family at 1:19 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I've been tagged!
1. My favorite candy is Sour Patch kids. I really think that I could sit and eat them all day.
2. My favorite TV show is "House". I love medical shows and this one makes me laugh. Another reason why I like this one so much is because my husband likes it to so this is our show that we only watch together. It's about the only time we get to sit on the couch together without kids jumping all over us and something besides cartoon's being on the TV.
3. I am 27 years old and still have never spent a whole night in a house alone. I have always had someone with me. Yes, I guess you can call me a scaredy cat but I hate to be alone at night. If its an all night thing I want someone besides one of my children there.
4. My husband says I am obsessive compulsive and I guess he is right because if I think of something that needs to be done or I want to do, I want to get started on it right then, I don't like to procrastinate or wait (unless it's cleaning or doing laundry).I am already wanting to paint and finish the nursery and I still have 19 weeks to go.
5. I hate scary movies! I only want to see something that is going to make me laugh or at least not make me terrified to go to sleep. I have had crazy nightmares because of movies and I don't see the point in being scared if I don't have to be.
6. I love to scrapbook or do anything that's creative. I just wish I had more time to do it.
7. Future mother to 3 Boys! I am very excited to have 3 wonderful children but, nervous at the same time. I hope that I can give myself equally to each one of my children and give them everything they need. I also hope Christian doesn't ever have that middle child syndrome. I pray that I can be a wonderful mother even though I will really be out numbered now! I tag Lindsay and Cresta
Posted by Our Family at 6:45 PM 0 comments
Fall Festival
We had a lot of fun at the Church fall festival. Caleb met a little boy that was also batman and they had fun playing together. Christian loved dancing to the drama music. We wish that Jeff could have been there with us but, I am glad to know that he will for now on. I think the boys looked so cute in there outfits, I am glad that they get to wear them one more time they were too cute to only wear once.
Posted by Our Family at 6:14 PM 0 comments
Trip to the Blairsville train museum
Last Saturday me and the boys went with my mom and Doc to see the largest train layout in the country. It is over 3200 sq. feet. A man and his son worked on it for 13 years and it is amazing. Anybody that loves trains would really enjoy it.
Posted by Our Family at 6:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
It's a Boy!
Yes, can you believe it because I can't, there is another Miller boy in the making! We went yesterday so Myra could tell us what was in the future more blue or some pink. I know she was a little hesitant but she took a big breath and announced "Its another BOY guys". My reaction was to not really say anything and try to soak it in but as I was trying to stay strong I felt a stream of tears go down my cheek. Don't get me wrong I am very excited to have another healthy baby boy its just the realization that I will never get to experience all those fun and special mother daughter moments that I got to do and am still having with my mother. If you have a daughter you know what I am talking about. Girls night out, some one to go with you to the Mother's day banquets, trips to the salon, and all that other fun girl stuff. I know eventually I will stop thinking about it but that desire for a daughter will never fade. In the mean time I will enjoy the the two and soon to be three wonderful boys that God has blessed me with. I love them with all my heart and am so happy that God has given them to us. I will tell you they melt my heart when they just come and give you hugs, kisses and tell you they love you just out of the blue. As I am writing this the boys are both laughing and dancing to music. It puts a smile on my face. You know that's all you can really ask for, happy, healthy children. And with that I feel Blessed and can just say Thank You Lord for all you have done and given to me. So, in March we will happily welcome "Clayton Vance Miller" Clayton after my wonderful Grandfather who really has been more like my father to me then anything and Vance after Jeff's father. We look forward to meeting this little guy. I know he will be here before we know it.
Posted by Our Family at 7:05 AM 4 comments
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Monday, October 13, 2008
Gender Ultrasound!
Tuesday Jeff, Caleb, and I are going to Dalton to see Myra. She did my last two to tell me that Caleb and Christian were boys so I wanted her to do this one too. I think that she is as nervous as me and Jeff becuase she knows how much we want a girl. This time I am going to let her do her normal thing of making sure everything looks great and is developing right with the baby before she takes the BIG LOOK! We decided that it would be fun for her to tell Caleb and then him give us the big news. In that case when it comes time for that I am going to have to look away from Myra because I am pretty sure that her face will tell all!! Wish us luck! We look foward to sharing our big news with everyone. Stay Tuned only 19 hours to go.
Posted by Our Family at 9:43 AM 0 comments